Monday, May 21, 2007

Atta Boy!

I usually don't write about home goods. I leave that stuff up to my cousins, Stacey and Lori, who have a wealth of experience when it comes to getting cool stuff for your home. But since neither of them has a blog, it's up to me to inform my loyal readers about a great store in New York called Global Table. I haven't actually been to the store, but the small sampling of goods they sell online is great. Definitely check out

On another note, our family celebrated a great milestone this weekend when my cousin Oliver, actually my second cousin for those of you paying attention, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah. He was fabulous! He was confidant on the bima and read his torah portion like a champ. I am so proud of him! My very large extended family was in town for the big event and it was lots of fun hanging out with all of my cousins and their children. Even better was watching my kids play with their out-of-town cousins.

Another exciting moment for our family was when my other cousin (or second cousin), Emma, graduated from pre-school. She was very proud on the stage. She sang all of her songs and did her little dance with perfection. Next year she is off to kindergarten, where I am sure she will run the show. You go girl!!!

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