Everyone will be thrilled to hear that my monster headache FINALLY went away! All it took was a good dose of Tylenol PM-induced sleep! I felt like a million bucks. The thing is, even when I have had a massage and facial and am on vacation, I have the darkest circles under my eyes. I've tried just about every concealer product known to man to cover up the circles, but they are so dark that nothing seems to do the trick. Today was different!!!
I was perusing the cosmetics aisles at Target earlier this week when I came across this product by Physicians Formula. Their gimmick is that the product will, over time, erase dark circles. I don't see how this is possible. All I know, is that this morning I put some of this Circle RX on and my dark circles were gone. Or, as gone as they can possibly get!
I thought maybe it was just me. Then I got to work and one of the guys says to me, "Wow, you look well-rested!" I was thinking to myself, I must really look like crap most of the time if these yoohoos are noticing a little concealer! Then I started laughing to myself thinking about the hundreds - no thousands - of dollars I have spent over the past 20 or so years buying products to cover up these dark circles, when all I had to do was buy an $8 tube of magic at Target! In my defense, this is a new product. So, if you, too, are a victim of hereditary dark circles, I highly recommend that you run (yes, run) to your nearest Target or other store that sells Physicians Formula products, and get your hands on a tube of Circle RX. It will change your life!!!
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