Someone commented that I don't post enough pictures on my blog. From now on, I promise to make this blog a little more interesting.
This morning we were taking photos in the hopes that one would be fitting for Benjamin's birthday party invitation. The kids looked very cute! Benjamin was wearing a little polo shirt and jeans (before he got a goldfish cracker smooshed into the placket!), and Abby was wearing a cute trapeze top over a white t-shirt and capri jeans. They are very fashion forward, my kids. Especially Abby, who can put together an outfit all by herself - and it matches - and she is only three! Here they are in all their glory...
I just can't resist posting the photo that will grace Benjamin's birthday party invitations, because he is just so darned cute!

I realize this post has nothing to do about fashion. Oh well - at least the photos are cute!
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